Thursday, March 15, 2007

Planting the Church Where it is Most Needed

Please pray for the ...
Dubla of India
Population: 791,000
Language: Gujarati
Religion: Hinduism
Evangelical: 0.00%

What are their beliefs?
Virtually all of the Dubla are Hindus. They look to the village bhagat (priest and medicine man) for spiritual guidance. He is thought to be the ultimate "good man," who is able to communicate with the gods. He is considered a friend, a philosopher, a guide, and a healer.
What are their needs?
Teachers, missionaries and humanitarian aid workers are needed to work among these precious people and share the love of Christ with them.
Prayer Points
Pray against the spirit of Hinduism that is keeping the Dubla bound. Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will break up the soil through worship and intercession. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth faithful laborers to live and work among the Dubla. Ask God to grant His favor to missions agencies targeting the Dubla. Ask God to give the Dubla believers boldness to share the Gospel with their own people. Pray that God will reveal Himself to the Dubla through dreams and visions.
Text source: Bethany World Prayer Center © 1999.Used with permission from Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse

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